Austin Tax Services specializes in tax preparation, free e-filing, and small business tax preparation. In addition, we provide services for same-sex marriage tax returns, estate tax preparation, and nonresident alien tax preparation. We have been providing professional quality tax services to the LGBT community for many years. Also, we will prepare and file old tax returns and offer a mobile tax service for those that are homebound.
Austin Tax Services is an Enrolled Agent, Annette Marie Swint Gamble is licensed to practice in front of the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, we fill an underserved area between the “big 3, the large quick return companies” and the CPA firms. We help real estate agents, people in sales, and owners rental property as well as those to do day trading. In addition, we also will prepare old tax returns to help you become current with the IRS. Contact Austin Tax Services today at 512-454-0322. From tax preparation to credit repair, we are here to serve your financial needs.
Please, feel free to browse our website to see the services we offer as well as the many helpful resources we provide.