Religious Organizations
San Antonio, Texas, 78223
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church would like to invite the LGBTQ community to join us for prayer services.
Good Shepherd is an Evangelical Lutheran Church, and we are a reconciling-in-Christ congregation. This means we live and treat one another the way God intended for us, which is to love all people unconditionally and without judgment. We fully welcome people of all ages, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, genders and gender identities, educational backgrounds, socioeconomic status, and physical and mental abilities to participate and join our community of honoring God and serving others.
We are a spiritual community who celebrates the gifts God has given to each of us that give us the strength to endure life's struggles, to care for one another, and to serve Christ in every area of our lives. Whoever you are, we invite you to join us! We hope to see you soon.